How to create a A.I voice assistant in python? 2022

In this article we will tell you how you can create a simple A.I voice assistant in python. Copy the code below and paste it in your IDE for python or any other code editor and then run the following commands in the command prompt of your respected IDE or code editor one by one.

pip install pyaudio       
pip install wikipedia
pip install speechRecognition          
pip install wolframalpha
pip install pyttsx3       
pip install webbrowser
import pyttsx3
import webbrowser
import smtplib
import random
import speech_recognition as sr
import wikipedia
import datetime
import wolframalpha
import os
import sys
#import pyaudio

engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')

client = wolframalpha.Client('Your_App_ID')

voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
engine.setProperty('voice', voices[len(voices)-1].id)

def speak(audio):
    print('popu: ' + audio)

def greetMe():
    currentH = int(
    if currentH >= 0 and currentH < 12:
        speak('Good Morning!')

    if currentH >= 12 and currentH < 18:
        speak('Good Afternoon!')

    if currentH >= 18 and currentH !=0:
        speak('Good Evening!')


speak('Hello Sir, I am your digital assistant popu!')
speak('How may I help you?')

def myCommand():
    r = sr.Recognizer()                                                                                   
    with sr.Microphone() as source:                                                                      
        r.pause_threshold =  1
        audio = r.listen(source)
        query = r.recognize_google(audio, language='en-in')
        print('User said: ' + query + '\n')
    except sr.UnknownValueError:
        speak('Sorry sir! I didn\'t get that! Try typing the command!')
        query = str(input('Command: '))

    return query

if __name__ == '__main__':

    while True:
        query = myCommand();
        query = query.lower()
        if 'open youtube' in query:

        elif 'open google' in query:

        elif 'open gmail' in query:

        elif "what\'s up" in query or 'how are you' in query:
            stMsgs = ['Just doing my thing!', 'I am fine!', 'Nice!', 'I am nice and full of energy']

        elif 'email' in query:
            speak('Who is the recipient???')
            recipient = myCommand()

            if 'I' in recipient:
                    speak('What should I say? ')
                    content = myCommand()
                    server = smtplib.SMTP('', 587)
                    server.login("[your email]", '[your password]')
                    server.sendmail('[your email]', "[receiver email]", 'Subject: [your subject]')
server.close() speak('Email sent!') except: speak('Sorry Sir! I am unable to send your message at this moment!J') elif 'nothing' in query or 'abort' in query or 'stop' in query: speak('okay') speak('Quitting... Sir, have a good day.') sys.exit() elif 'popu quit' in query or 'abort' in query or 'stop' in query: speak('okay') speak('Bye Sir, have a good day.') sys.exit() elif 'open firefox' in query: speak('okay')'') elif 'hello' in query: speak('Hello Sir') elif 'hi' in query: speak('hi sir') elif 'What is my pin code' in query: speak('201306') elif 'bye' in query: speak('Bye Sir, have a good day.') sys.exit() elif 'play music' in query: music_folder = 'C:\\Users\\Public\\Music\\Sample Music\\Kalimba.mp3' music = 'Kalimba' random_music = music_folder + random.choice(music) + '.mp3' os.system(random_music) speak('Okay, here is your music! Enjoy!') elif 'open engineers' in query: speak('Okay')'[put your url here]') else: query = query speak('Searching...') try: try: res = client.query(query) results = next(res.results).text speak('WOLFRAM-ALPHA says - ') speak('Got it.') speak(results) except: results = wikipedia.summary(query, sentences=2) speak('Got it.') speak('Wikipedia says - ') speak(results) except:'') speak('Next Command! Sir!')

This program consists of if else(conditional statements). It is a basic programs for people who are moderate in programming and has some experience in it. We have also used try and catch statements. As a whole it is created as a competitive programming type. We are using many libraries also like pyttsx3 and speech recognition library which will convert the voice into string so that machine can understand it by converting that string in binary language and so when machine replies the same action is carried for machine also.

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