What is Blumble Search Engine? Search Engine

Blumble Search Engine

In this time of Internet Revolution where everyone is doing something for the Internet and web 3.0. New Search engines are also coming into the market with many exclusive features that will basically gonna help the users. Today we will talk about a New Search engine known as "Blumble". How can you use it? what are its features? and all the other details in deep. Let's get on to our post titled:- What is Blumble Search Engine?

A search engine is a website that has a whole collection of different websites with different search queries and keywords. When someone wants to get information about Something he/she visits a search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Qmamu, etc... Search engine shows results related to what the user has asked or typed. One of them is Blumble a new 21st-century search engine with many exclusive features.

What is Blumble?

Blumble is a search engine developed by James and Carsten (2 friends). It was launched on October 1st however it was an Alpha Launch means it was limited to a certain number of people. It was officially launched on 1st July 2021 to the whole internet. Right now there are 4 full-time employees in Blumble and the number is growing. Blumble is gaining 1.5K users every day and due to its powerful servers and algorithms, they are able to handle the requests easily.

Blumble has some exclusive features like:-

  • AI Web crawling
  • SSL reader
  • Authenticity checker
  • Site Age Checker
  • Ranking API
  • Website Location

On the number of these criteria, Blumble ranks the website to give you more accurate results and more authentic outputs. Before you visit the site on Blumble you can check the age of the website, is it safe or not, what is the global rank??, etc... Apart from all this, you can check the site scorecard also. Blumble developers are working hard to enhance the quality of the search engine more. 

Blumble has a strong privacy policy which is important for its users. Whether their data is in safe hands or not.

Technical Specifications of Blumble Search Engine:-

  1. Blumble is written in PHP which stands for hypertext preprocessor.
  2. It uses JavaScript(React) to filter out the results.
  3. Huge Database hosted on MongoDB
  5. Anti-Spamming response algorithms

Unlike other search engines, Blumble doesn't keep and track your personal data like your search history, account creation, response time, the time you spend on other webpages, IP addresses, etc... The dual-core server decreases the response time and lets you, serf, faster on the Internet. It always tries to show relevant pages from the official sites. It is a very light search engine and has a simple UI (User Interface) written in PHP and JavaScript(React).

The search core index is powered by Bing. It has region-specific search results options. You can choose from where you want to see the search results and it will filter the results for you. Blumble search engine is available in 36 countries for now. They will surely expand the number in the future. It uses APIs of the various websites in order to show better results from the high traffic and authentic websites.

Region Specific Search

In the sidebar in the applet preview, you can see the trending searches. You can do on-page SEO in your articles better according to Blumble search engine to rank better. More Authentic and deeply analyzed content is equal to better ranking. Its mission is to decrease carbon emissions. They will soon transfer their Search Engine algorithm to a Blockchain-based algorithm.

Trending Searches Widget in Blumble

Soon many more things will be introduced in Blumble Search Engine like real-time weather display feature. Preview pallet. Rank Score, etc...

What does the Anti-Spamming algorithm mean?

Many programs have been created that allow domain names to view emails as authorized. Many of these programs use DNS to register sites that are authorized to send search responses on their behalf. After many other proposals, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are all now widely supported by adoption growth. Although they do not directly attack spam, these systems make it very difficult to trick addresses, the common way people use spammers - but also to use it to steal sensitive information and other forms of search fraud. These attacks are done to fill up the database of the Search Engine to slow down the speed of search response. This Anti-Spamming algorithm will block such types of attacks carried out by bots.

Hope you liked this article comment down below what are your thoughts on this new Search Engine. Thanks for reading and do visit their site and try out their service.

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