Wi-Fi Password python script. Find Wi-Fi Passwords using python

Wi-Fi Password python script. Find Wi-Fi Passwords using python

In this blog post I will tell you how you can get Wi-Fi password, IP Address, Devices connected and also their device IPs.

import subprocess

data = subprocess.check_output(['netsh', 'wlan', 'show', 'profiles']).decode('utf-8', errors="backslashreplace").split('\n')

profiles = [i.split(":")[1][1:-1] for i in data if "All User Profile" in i]

for i in profiles:
        results = subprocess.check_output(['netsh', 'wlan', 'show', 'profile', i, 'key=clear']).decode('utf-8', errors="backslashreplace").split('\n')
        results = [b.split(":")[1][1:-1] for b in results if "Key Content" in b]
            print ("{:<30}|  {:<}".format(i, results[0]))
        except IndexError:
            print ("{:<30}|  {:<}".format(i, ""))
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
        print ("{:<30}|  {:<}".format(i, "ENCODING ERROR"))


Copy the code above and paste it in the python IDLE.
If you don't have python installed download it from python.org. Install it and search Python IDLE in windows search. Paste the above code and then run the file.

Download the script

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