Python 3.10.1 was released on 6th of December of 2021. It 101th update after the release of python 3. It has came with many bug fixes and interesting syntax updates. Still there are many people using python 2.1 in their system🤣🤣(Joking). Let's talk about that update and bug that fixed in this new update in this amazing programming language.
What is Python?
Python is a general-purpose hl programming language developed by Guido Van Rossum in the year 1991. He developed a garbage collector for any programming or a collective garbage collector but by mistake, he developed an interpreter and later he launched it for general public use with source code which helped a lot in evolving it.
Python is very famous among both developers and hackers because of its simple syntax and less code size and simple execution. Python comes with various frameworks like Django, Flask, Kivy, etc... We can use python for both web and mobile development.
Python 3.10.1
On December 6th Python Software Foundation released python version 3.10.1 in which many bugs were fixed any syntax changes were introduced. I will explain all the changes in detail and point-wise.
- Syntax and operations
- Simple pattern: match to a literal
- Patterns and classes
- Guard
- Normal Bugs
- IDLE and Idlib
- Optimizations
- What is Removed?
The metaphorical statement takes the expression and compares its value with consecutive patterns given as a block of one or more cases. In particular, pattern matching works as follows:
- using data type and status (title)
- to check the title in the game statement
- comparing the title with each pattern in the case statement from top to bottom until the same confirmation.
- to perform an action related to the pattern of a guaranteed match
- If the exact match is not confirmed, the last case, the wildcard _ card, if provided, will be used as the same case. If the exact match is not verified and the wildcard case is not available, the entire match block has no-op.
These were the main changes that were made in the latest released version. Now let's discuss the Syntax operations changes in this release.