Node JS 17 | What's New? - CodinByte

Node.Js 17 update what's new


One of the most famous Frameworks of JavaScript is Node.Js. It requires an external executable file to install Node.js in our system unlike python we do not have to install JavaScript separately but for using any framework of JS we have to install it via the internet from the official website of that particular framework for example Node JS.

Today we will discuss the new update of Node JS version 17.3, What has been improved, added, removed, and all the other things, etc...


Node.Js is an open-source framework/program developed by Ryan Dahl. It was initially released in the year 2009 and it is still continued. It has a sub-library known as react JS which is maintained by Facebook. It is used in many companies also it has a huge requirement of developers and a huge team is needed to improve and maintain it. New updates are given for this Framework almost every year. New stable versions are released twice a year. Let's talk about the current version which is running version 17. Currently owned by Open JS Foundation with Facebook.

What is New in Node.js 17?

Now the output is not shown in the command prompt with this sign '<'. It is mainly written in C++ so the language version is updated and output time is decreased. The projects files are now empty. C++ addon are:-

Addons are dynamically linked objects that are listed in C ++. The diac() function can load addons as standard modules for Node.js. Addons provides links between JavaScript and C / C ++ libraries.

There are three options for launching add-ons: Node-API, nan, or direct use of internal V8, libuv and Node.js libraries. Unless there is a need for direct access to the functionality that can be specified by the Node-API, use the Node-API. See C / C ++ addons for Node-API for more information on Node-API.

If you do not use the Node-API, the use of addons is complex, which includes information for several components and APIs:

V8: C ++ Node.js library you use to provide JavaScript usage. The V8 offers creative ways, calling functions, etc. The V8 API is mostly written in the v8.h theme file (deps / v8 / include / v8.h in the Node.js source tree), which is also available online.

libuv: C library using Node.js event loop, its staff threads and all non-compliant platform behavior. It also acts as a library that removes cross-platforms, providing easy, POSIX-like access to all major applications in many common system functions, such as file system interactions, sockets, timers, and system events. Libuv also provides addictive shortcuts similar to POSIX strands of complex addons that need to go beyond the standard event loop. Addon authors should avoid blocking the event loop with I / O or other time-consuming tasks by extending the function via libuv to non-blocking system function, series of staff, or custom use of the libuv series.

Internal Node.js libraries. Node.js itself is exporting C ++ APIs that can use addons, most importantly node:: ObjectWrap Class.

Node.js integrates with other statistically linked libraries including OpenSSL. These other libraries are located in the deps / directory of the Node.js source tree. The features of libuv, OpenSSL, V8, and compression-only are intentionally exported by Node.js and can be used in a variety of ways by addons.

Programs Added

console.clear is added in the <string> module.

All the information in this article is taken from the official release documentation. 

Apart from this new tags are added and old outdated tags are either removed or replaced to decrease the output time. The backend machine engine of Node.Js is now has a garbage detector kind of array to remove the unwanted code.

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